Introduction OHS Managers need to find good ways to predict and influence future OHS performance. These predictors of OHS performance are refed to as “leading indicators”. Semi-quantitative OHS risk analysis is now being recognized as a good leading indicator of OHS performance.. This article describes how semi-quantitative risk analysis is used as a leading indicator…
Introduction There are 3 basic types of ISO audits, first party, second party and third party audits. First party audits are internal audits. Non-accredited independent audits are second party audits. Accredited certification bodies conduct third party audits or certification audits. ISO Internal audits are the “checking” part of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle of continual improvement.…
There are three different types of ISO audits, first party, second party and third party. The following is a brief discussion of these types of ISO audits. Third Party ISO Audit Type Third-party audits are conducted by an independent 3rd party such as a certification body. Certification bodies (CBs) obtain their authority to perform audits…
Leadership commitment to management systems and communicating this commitment to the organization is critical to performance improvement. Encouraging leadership support for decisions on risk management can be challenging. The management review process required by ISO management system standards can help gain leadership commitment. Here are some recommendations for conducting good management reviews to gain leadership…
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